1. Understanding the Essay Prompt | 에세이 주제 이해하기Before you start writing, understand what the topic asks. For "A Scientific Discovery That Changed the World, " choose a discovery that is simple to explain and interesting, like the discovery of penicillin or the invention of the light bulb.Write down:What the discovery is about.Why it is important.How it changed people's lives.에세이를 쓰기 전에 주제가 무엇을 요..
Introduction: Why Holiday Memories Matter | 왜 휴가 기억이 중요한가요? Holiday memories are treasures that stay with us forever. They remind us of joyful moments, exciting adventures, and time spent with loved ones. Writing about your favorite holiday memory allows you to relive that experience and share it with others. Let’s learn how to write an essay about a special holiday memory! 휴가 기억은 우리와 영원히 함께하는 소..
Introduction: Why Snowy Days Are Special 왜 눈 오는 날이 특별한가요? Snowy days are magical for children! The world turns white, and everything looks so beautiful. Writing about a snowy day is a great way to share your fun memories and feelings. Let’s learn how to write a simple essay about snowy day experiences. 눈 오는 날은 아이들에게 마법 같은 날이에요! 세상이 하얗게 변하고 모든 것이 아름다워 보이죠. 눈 오는 날에 대한 글쓰기는 재미있는 기억과 감정을 공유하는 좋은 방법이..